Gluten-Free Yorkshire Puddings
Yorkshire Puddings are a classic part of any roast dinner or roast lunch with family or friends. You can buy frozen gluten-free Yorkshires in your supermarket, and of course, they will do the job and will taste good with your roast dinner.
However, you cannot compare this Yorkshire pudding recipe to shop-bought Yorkshires, they are 10x bigger, 10x crisper, and overall just 10x better!
Even better, you take the credit (and get all the praise) for making them!
Surprisingly, they are so easy to make, with only 3 ingredients and a little bit of oil for cooking. You will also need a 12-hole muffin tray.

Why do I use cornflour for Yorkshire Puddings?
Cornflour is the secret ingredient, this is what I would use for any Yorkshire pudding recipe gluten-free or not as it creates a light, crispy and huge Yorkshire pudding and a proper Yorkshire pudding texture.
This means they will be crispy and golden, and who doesn’t want massive thick and golden Yorkshire puddings, because I know I do!

Some tips:
- The key part of ensuring that your Yorkshires turn out large, golden, and crispy is to put a lot of oil in the moulds and put in the oil to give it a good heat before you pour in the batter, when I say hot, I mean hot! Heat in the oven a good 5/10 mins before the batter goes in.
- DO NOT open the oven whilst baking! This can cause the Yorkshire puddings to stop rising.

Gluten-Free Toad in the hole
Yes, you can use this recipe to make toad in the hole, all you need to do is use a large dish instead of the muffin tray, cook some sausages, make your Yorkshire batter, quickly pour the batter into the piping hot dish and cook.
So easy and is guaranteed to be a delicious dinner everyone will enjoy!
Why won’t my Gluten-Free Yorkshire Puddings rise?
This is probably because the oven or the oil wasn’t hot enough before you put the batter in. You want the batter to make a sizzling noise when you pour it into your tray or dish.
As a result, you must be very careful – when the tray or dish of oil comes out of the oven, wear oven gloves, take care and get the batter into the dish/tray ASAP.

We won’t make you wait any longer, here is our Yorkshire Pudding recipe:
Giant Gluten-free Yorkshire Pudding Recipe
Giant Gluten-Free Yorkshire Pudding
- 200 g cornflour
- 6 eggs
- 300 ml unsweetened almond milk
- 50 ml cooking oil
- Preheat the oven to 200/220 C Fan.
- Fill each muffin hole with about a tsp of oil.
- Place in the preheated oven for about 10-15 minutes, until extremely hot (warning - the oil might spit).
- Whilst in the oven, beat together the eggs and corn flour until completely combined into a smooth mixture. Then add a dash of milk at a time and whisk.
- Pour the batter into a jug as this makes it easier to pour into the muffin tray.
- QUICKLY remove the muffin tray from the oven and fill each hole with batter until ¾ full and get the dish back into the oven ASAP and DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR.
- Place into the oven for 20-25 minutes until golden and crispy brown.
- Remove, serve and enjoy.
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