The LiberEat Story

LiberEat - Est. 2016

At LiberEat, we are on a mission to make food safe for everyone

Founder and CEO, Barry Leaper launched this trailblazing UK health-tech business in October 2016.

With his wife and mother’s dietary requirements, he fully understands the worry and inconvenience caused when shopping and and dining out when you live with food restrictions – checking food labels and menus, and hoping for the best, but fearing the worst.

Barry saw technology as the solution to these challenges.

Now, we are revolutionising food safety.

LiberEat was born – the future of food safety. 

Libereat food safety technology making food safer for everyone
reading a menu

The Problems Facing Allergen Food Safety

  • 50% of UK households have at least one person that avoids certain ingredients. 
  • 33% of those with food allergies suffer reactions when eating out – this doesn’t include those with intolerances, or the likes of vegans avoiding animal products.
  • According to the FSA, there are 100+ allergen product recalls in the UK each year. 
  • Yet, the UK and US food industries spend £billions on allergen management each year.
  • Ingredients such as the 14 major allergens like milk, gluten and animal products are troublesome for many consumers who are food hypersensitive or have special dietary requirements. They rely on menus, allergen declarations, websites, and labels more than ever.
Allergens and errors are missed by food businesses, and LiberEat technology is here to help. 

We are here to make a monumental, impactful change. 

Technology for good

LiberEat is a technology business that provides a safety blanket for food service businesses, this is a revolution in allergen and error detection.

We support food manufacturers, big supermarkets brands, restaurant chains, catering companies, and airline suppliers to reduce errors and protect consumers who avoid ingredients for a variety of health, lifestyle, and allergy reasons.

LiberEat has developed a unique technology that outperforms the current processes used across the food sector to ensure the accuracy of food labels and menus. The technology can significantly reduce the risk of injuries to customers, and costly product recalls by acting as an allergen safety blanket for food production, food service and retail food businesses, catching any errors in allergen or ingredient information before they reach the consumer.

happy eater

We help businesses detect allergens and errors in their data before they get to a menu or food label, or worse - in the hands of a consumer with allergies

LiberEat is automating error detection in supply-chain Quality Assurance data, to prevent $900bn in annual losses

How LiberEat Technology Works

LiberEat’s Philosophy

We believe deeply in all of our core values, and they are part of everything we do

Allergen Safety


Technology for Good


Our founder and CEO, Barry Leaper:

“At the core of our business is the passion to make food safer for everyone. The potential of the technology we have created is phenomenal. We know it can improve the lives of millions of people with dietary requirements and food hyper-sensitivity. We support the food industry to enhance its offering to consumers while significantly enhancing allergen safety and reducing risk.”


Reach out today to find out more.

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