Vegan and Allergy Friendly Easter Menu

Vegan & Allergy Friendly Easter Lunch Menu

Staying at home this Easter and you need ideas for your family with all their different diets? Maybe someone has a nut allergy, is gluten free or vegan and your usual fail safe Lamb Roast is no longer suitable. 

Well don’t fear, here is an Vegan & Allergy Friendly Easter Lunch menu to make all the family happy this Easter.  

This is a great starter with creamy coconut and the perfect way to use courgette. Perfect served with homemade bread. Here’s one of our tried and tested gluten free bread recipes.

  • 4 small courgettes, chopped.
  • 2 small onions, chopped
  • 1 can of coconut milk
  • 1 vegetable stock cube with 350ml water
  • 2 chillis, chopped.
  • dash of salt and pepper for seasoning.


1. In a pan, heat up a little olive oil and then add the courgettes and onion at a high heat. Let these sweat and then add the chopped chilli.

2. Boil a kettle and prepare the stock while this is cooking. Add a can of coconut milk to the pan of veg, and turn this down to a medium heat. Add the vegetable stock and cook until vegetables are softened.

3. Take off the heat, allow cool, then blend up until smooth and serve warm

A twist on the old cottage pie, this plant based version can all be grown on your allotment. All your guests will love it! 


  • 1kg potatoes
  • A splash of vegetable oil
  • 500g mushrooms
  • 1 tsp garlic paste
  • 2 large leeks, chopped
  • 2 small onions, chopped
  • 3 large carrots, chopped
  • 1 sliced courgette
  •  Half a turnip, chopped
  • 1 can chickpeas
  • 1 can of peas
  • Handful of shredded spinach
  • 1 vegetable stock cube
  • 1 tbsp tomato purée
  • Olive oil
Vegan Shepherds Pie


  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C.
  2. Peel the potatoes and boil in a large pan. Once cooked, drain and leave to cool a little.
  3. Meanwhile, heat olive oil in a large pan and fry the onion, mushroom, carrot, leeks and courgette with the garlic paste.
  4. Add 100ml of water and add the turnip and stock cube.
  5. Once the turnip has softened, add the tomato puree which will give the sauce some flavour. Add a can of drained chickpeas, peas and spinach.
  6. Simmer for 10 minutes, before removing from the heat and decanting into a deep ovenproof dish ready for baking.
  7. Add a splash of olive oil to the potatoes and mash well. Season with salt and pepper
  8. Layer the mash on top of the filling and bake in the oven for 40 minutes. The pie will be ready when it is heated through and the potato on top is crispy.
  9. Serve with steamed broccoli and stuffing.
Vegan no cheese cake bites

Using cashew nuts to make a cream, this is a genius way of making dairy free cheesecake! Top with dairy free mini eggs  to make more Easter-y. 

  • 2 tablespoons vanilla essence
  • 2 tablespoons peanut butter
  • 1 small carton coconut cream
  • 250g pitted dates
  • 250g cashew nuts, soaked for 20 mins in water.
  • 1.5 cups walnuts
  • 2 tablespoons maca powder
  • 3 tablespoons agave syrup
1. Add the walnuts to a food processor, and blend until fine. Next add the pitted dates, maca powder and peanut butter. Try and maintain a ‘biscuity’ texture and add water if needed to ensure the mixture sticks together.
2. Remove this mixture from food processor and set aside.
3. Clean the food processor to make the cheesecake topping.
4. Add the cashews, coconut cream, agave, vanilla to the food processor and blend until it resembles a creamy ‘cheesecake like’ texture. Set aside.
5. Lightly grease a cake tin with coconut oil or dairy free spread. Add the walnut and date biscuit base along the bottom of the tin evenly.
6. Next add the cheesecake mixture on top evenly. You can add toppings of your choice: Mini Easter eggs, vegan treats, blueberries or desiccated coconut for example.
7. Freeze for a couple of hours, then cut and serve, being careful when removing from the cake tin.

Do try out our Allergy & vegan friendly Easter lunch options and don’t forget to tag us in your family lunch photos! If you are looking for some other Easter treats, check out these other Easter-themed recipes and articles.


Top 9 Vegan and Free From Easter Eggs

Easter Cheesecake Bites Recipe

Easter | Best Gluten-free and Vegan Hot Cross Buns Recipe

LiberEat’s content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always take precautions and use appropriate judgement to protect yourself and others under your care with regard to food allergies.

Food allergen rules and regulations continue to change and evolve. Food businesses in production, hospitality, catering, and retail must be vigilant when working with ingredients, products, and dishes containing allergens and exercise due diligence when providing ingredient and allergen information to consumers. Successful allergen management is a big part of food safety professionals’ creating a culture of care and excellence within their teams.

LiberEat offers a second line of defence for food businesses by detecting errors, allergens, and other harmful ingredients with our proprietary Allergen Error Detection Technology. Food businesses can apply this technology directly to identify errors in allergen communications, preventing the risk of injury to consumers 24/7, 365 days of the year so that errors are detected, diagnosed and rectified quickly. We know this helps you protect your brand reputation and enhance customer trust in your brand. 

Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your existing food safety processes.

To find out how LiberEat Technology supports food businesses to detect allergens and errors, to protect consumers