14 Main Allergens Hub

14 Main Allergens

14 food types are recognised as responsible for the majority of allergen cases and have been identified by EU law as the 14 major food allergens. In the US, there are nine major allergens, often referred to as the “big nine allergens”

Importance of Allergen Safety

Allergies are a common health issue for many of the population, with an estimated 11-26 million people in Europe alone being affected. The prevalence of food allergies has been increasing since the early 90s, so it’s important for food businesses to understand the dangers, causes and symptoms to keep themselves and their customers safe. 

The LiberEat Allergen Awareness Hub is a central resource with various information about the 14 main allergens.

Simply click on the buttons or icons of the allergens to be shown a detailed article with lots of tips and helpful information on what foods to avoid and symptoms to be aware of, along with advice for food businesses. We have also created a short video detailing the 14 main allergens and common foods containing them.


What Are the 14 Main Allergens?

Cereals Containing Gluten found in wheat, barley, and oats.

Sesame usually found in items like bread, soups, sesame oil and pastes such as tahini & humus.

Tree Nuts –  such as almonds and hazelnuts which are often found in chocolates, muesli and baked goods.

Crustaceans such as lobster, langoustines and prawns, found in curries, sauces and paella.

Fish which can be found in curries, pizza and caesar salad.

Mustardmustard is often used in various spice combinations, in curries, salad dressings and processed meats – such as burgers and sausages.

Milk found in dairy products such as butter, cheese and yoghurt. 

Celerycommonly used in curries, soups and salads.

Peanuts – which is often used as artificial flavouring, and is contained in many cakes and biscuits .

Soyafound in soy milk, tofu, bean sprouts and is a main ingredient in canned tuna.

Molluscssuch as octopus, land snails and mussels, which are common ingredients in oyster sauce and fish stews.

Lupinwhich can be found in flour and used for bread, pastries and pasta.

Sulphur Dioxide, also known as sulphites often found in dried fruit, pickled food and alcohol such as beer, wine and cider.

Eggs – found in cakes, sauces, and pasta.

With conflicting information available online, it can be difficult to know how to stay safe when living with food allergies. We’ve created a short video to clarify some of the most common misconceptions regarding food allergen safety.

Important Allergen Resources for Food Businesses

As it’s a legal requirement to display the 14 main allergens to customers in the EU and UK, there are a variety of tools, organisations, and legislation LiberEat has covered in articles that can help you keep your business follow food safety compliance practices.

Food Standards Agency

The Food Standards Agency is a government department focused on food safety for the UK, working with authorities to make sure new guidelines are enforced, while reviewing current food law and giving recommendations to the government on how to improve current food safety standardsSince its formation in 2000, it has helped produce some major legislation that has shaped current food safety legislation such as Regulation (EC) No 852/2004, which has made HACCP plans a legal requirement for food businesses. 


An HACCP plan, which stands for ‘Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point’, is a seven-step plan for monitoring potential physical, chemical, and biological food safety hazards. After identifying hazards, critical control points are identified, which are ways of controlling and preventing them. An example of a CCP would be ensuring food reaches a set minimum internal temperature with a thermometer to destroy potential bacteria.

Major Legislation

In recent years, the FSA has helped enforce major food labelling legislation such as The Food Information (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2019 and its equivalent regulation for other parts of the UK.

This legislation is commonly as Natasha’s Law, named after Natasha Ednan-Laperouse, who suffered from a fatal anaphylactic attack on a plane after buying a baguette containing sesame, an undeclared allergen. Natasha’s law requires food businesses to provide allergen information to consumers if selling PPDS foods, which are food that’s packaged in the same place it’s sold and packaged before purchase.

LiberEat works closely with food businesses, including contract caterers, food producers, restaurant brands, and supermarkets, to help them detect and alert their food safety professionals to allergens and allergen errors. You can learn more about our allergen detection software here.

Try Our 14 Main Allergens Quiz

4 question mark icons laid out on surface

Being aware of the 14 main allergens will allow you to communicate your ingredients more effectively and comply with labelling legislation.

How confident are you? Try our quiz below and test your knowledge.

Just by adopting LiberEat Technology, food businesses can

  • Become trailblazers in allergen detection

  • Protect their consumers

  • Enhance their peace of mind 


Make food safe for everyone with LiberEat’s safety software.

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