Protecting Consumers From Injury and Building Trust
LiberEat's Pioneering Allergen Error Detection Technology
Your successful allergen safety processes are a crucial part of your food business’s operations.
While food businesses must adhere to food safety legislation to avoid legal repercussions, it’s important to remember the human cost of incorrect allergen information, with errors in product or menu data having devastating consequences for consumers.
The Future of Food Safety

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LiberEat's Pioneering Allergen Error Detection Technology
Incorrect food labels on your products or allergen declarations on restaurant menus, for example, can cause severe injury to food-hypersensitive (FHS) consumers and in extreme cases lead to fatalities when an anaphylactic shock occurs.
Incidents can damage customer trust which, can be impossible to regain.
Protecting Consumers from Injury
Injury to consumers is the worst-case scenario for your business; unfortunately, many food brands are at risk.
Allergen errors can fall through the cracks in your supplier data, menus, food labels and allergen declclarations. Your food safety and quality assurance professionals need multiple checks to ensure allergens are correctly declared.
Each step of the chain is another opportunity for an error to fall through the cracks.
When checking through potentially hundreds of products or lines of data, human error is a constant risk. So, what can we do to solve this?
Cutting-edge Food Safety technology
Protecting Consumers from Allergens
You can adopt these easy-to-use tools to make food safer for consumers, LiberEat Allergen Error Detection Technology bolsters the manual checking process by acting as your second line of defence, catching any errors in data that may otherwise go unnoticed.
We interrogate your data, find any errors in your allergen declarations in real-time and highlight these to your team to rectify before this information ever reaches a consumer.
You’ve seen that the rapidly growing consumer group of people avoiding certain ingredients highlight the need for effective checking methods to ensure people’s safety while offering a unique opportunity for businesses willing to accommodate this group as effectively as possible.
You’ll be using innovative technology that significantly outperforms other industry QA methods.
Food Safety Today
The risks you face associated with errors in allergen product data can devastate your business and consumers.
With technology acting as your second line of defence against allergen errors, you can be reassured that all product data is accurate and there’s no risk of injury for consumers. Errors in allergen data no longer need to be your concern.
Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can support your business to detect allergens and protect consumers, and join us in our journey to make food safer for everyone.
Businesses that embrace LiberEat’s Allergen Error Detection Technology demonstrate their unwavering due diligence, adopting proactive food safety measures to safeguard consumers.