Peace of Mind 24/7 - 365 Days of the Year

All-Day, All-Year Peace of Mind

Your Real-time Allergen Error Detection Technology

In the ever-evolving world of food safety, where supplier data and ingredients can regularly change, you want peace of mind that your allergen data and declarations are correct all year round. 

At LiberEat, we’re dedicated to providing you with 24/7, 365-day data interrogation, notifying your team of allergen errors as they appear. 

You can take advantage of this unique technology significantly outperforming existing food allergen safety methods. 

You can ensure that your allergen data is continually monitored in real time, not just at a single point in time. 

The Future of Food Safety

LiberEat allergen detection

Let’s have an informal chat about your allergen challenges. Complete the form below and we’ll drop you a line

Libereat food safety technology making food safer for everyone

Seamless Efficiency in Food Safety

You can now benefit from consistent assurance, regardless of the hour or season. Sleep soundly knowing your allergen data is vigilantly checked around the clock. Our system immediately alerts you to errors ensuring your food safety teams can rectify them immediately before they reach a product, menu or consumer.

24/7, 365-Day Vigilance

As you know, consumer well-being doesn’t adhere to schedules or take a holiday. With LiberEat’s Allergen Error Detection Technology, you know that your allergen data is under uninterrupted surveillance. Real-time monitoring is your constant ally in safeguarding the accuracy of your allergen data. It’s your second line of defence against errors.

Total and Immediate Control

You’re in total control of your allergen data with LiberEat. You can address errors or issues proactively, enhancing the quality and efficiency of your food safety operations. You can embrace this seamless, uninterrupted assurance of safety in your food business.

Would you like to discover how LiberEat’s Allergen Error Detection Technology can provide you with peace of mind all day, every day? 

Join us on our journey to enhance food safety and ensure peace of mind year-round.

supermarket allergens LiberEat

Businesses that embrace LiberEat’s Allergen Error Detection Technology demonstrate their unwavering due diligence, adopting proactive food safety measures to safeguard consumers.