Revolutionise your food safety

Advanced Food Safety - Allergen Error Detection in Your Data

We detect allergen errors in supplier, menu, and product data better than human checks, identifying errors that current processes miss.

LiberEat Caseinate Error

Ensure the safety of your customers and protect your business with allergen error-detection technology, a cutting-edge innovation in food safety that finds errors in your data.

LiberEat’s innovative software integrates seamlessly with your existing food safety processes and data platforms, offering a comprehensive solution for scanning and analysing data sources for allergen errors.

The software alerts food safety teams to rectify issues before they reach consumers.

The system has proven to be very effective, catching and alerting hundreds of live errors in menus, labels, and online platforms, from undisclosed sulphites to missing milk or gluten.

These undetected errors have the capacity to hurt people.

This is a serious problem in the food industry. Errors reach consumers cost $millions and present a huge business risk that may be lying dormant.

Errors at any stage of the information chain can reach consumers

detecting allergen errors

Risk 1

Supplier data can be incorrect or errors occur when data is manually added to supplier management systems

allergens missing in dishes

Risk 2

People editing or entering data within apps, websites, online menus or product labels can miss errors

allergen errors reaching menus and websites

Risk 3

Manual checking of data en masse can lead to allergens being missed

allergen error risks to consumers

The outcome?

Mistakes undetected at each stage can reach consumers, causing harm or severe injury

Existing QA methods rely on manual checks, and undeclared allergens are undetected frequently

Strengthen your company's reputation as a food safety pioneer by demonstrating your commitment to the highest standards of food safety and consumer protection.

Food-Hypersensitive Consumers and Dietary Choices

Food allergies and hypersensitivities are a growing concern globally, emphasising the necessity for vigilant allergen avoidance. Veganism and vegetarianism are also rising. People are more reliant on allergen labels, apps, websites and menus than ever before.

Robust allergen management and correct dietary declarations are critical in the food industry and your business.

According to Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE), 85 million Americans are impacted by food allergies and intolerances. This figure includes individuals with both food allergies, which can trigger serious immune responses, and food intolerances, which generally cause digestive issues.


According to the Food Standards Agency, it is estimated that around 2.4 million people live with diagnosed food allergies in the UK, while about 600,000 individuals have Coeliac Disease, which is an autoimmune response to gluten. Additionally, around 12% of the UK population reports having food intolerances.

The true cost of recalls extends beyond immediate financial losses. Companies also face long-term repercussions such as damage to brand reputation, loss of consumer trust, and potential legal settlements, which can be substantial if consumer harm is involved.

In the UK, approximately 5.8% of the population, or around 3.1 million people, are vegetarians, with an additional 4.7% (about 2.5 million) identifying as vegans. Similarly, in the US, about 5% of the population, which equates to roughly 16.5 million people, are either vegetarians or vegans.

This shift towards plant-based diets is particularly pronounced among the younger generations, indicating a significant dietary transition over the coming years. – Finder Research 2024

LiberEat technology saves lives and money – this is a breakthrough in food safety.

How LiberEat Software Works

LiberEat’s technology is an innovative solution designed to enhance food safety and allergen management in the food industry.

Utilising advanced software, LiberEat integrates with your existing food safety processes, enabling the system to analyse and interrogate data across supplier documentation, labels, menus, and websites for allergen information.

This real-time error detection alerts food safety teams to allergen errors as data is processed, or if data changes. 

LiberEat can identify complex allergen errors in data, such as undeclared milk and sulphites or mislabeled ingredients, providing a critical second line of defence to your food safety team.

This technology prevents potential allergen incidents and supports businesses in maintaining compliance with food safety regulations, ultimately protecting consumers and enhancing a company’s reputation for due diligence and care in allergen management.

How LiberEat Technology Works

Why use LiberEat’s Advanced Software?

Using LiberEat technology, food businesses experience significant cost savings by avoiding the repercussions of allergen errors, including legal fees, recalls, and damage to brand reputation. 

Our technology offers 24/7 protection, providing you with peace of mind and showcasing your commitment to the highest consumer safety standards.

Unlike traditional quality assurance methods, LiberEat introduces a revolutionary approach to allergen detection. Our unique technology catches and rectifies errors that would go unnoticed, setting a new industry standard for your business’s food safety and allergen management.

Enjoy Peace of Mind 24/7, 365 days of the Year

Sleep soundly, knowing that your allergen data is being checked in real-time all year round, and not just at one point in time - flagging any errors or issues that food safety teams can rectify immediately. We help you stay ahead of potential allergen issues.
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Enhance Due Diligence in your Food Safety Processes

Create a culture of care and excellence by bolstering allergen processes with technology that prevents errors from falling through the cracks. Embrace proactive allergen prevention with our innovative technology that significantly outperforms manual checks.
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Reduce the Costs from Allergen Errors

When allergens are missed and mistakes are made, recalls, customer injuries, withdrawals, de-listing, fatalities, customer losses, and legal and insurance implications can cost food businesses an excessive amount of money. Learn more >

Safeguard Your Brand Reputation

Ensure your business maintains its reputation by preventing food safety failures that can lead to consumer injuries and press exposure for all the wrong reasons. Adopt the LiberEat proactive approach to lower the risk of consumer injuries and incidents that could damage your brand's integrity.
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Protect Consumers from Injury and Build Trust

Proactive due diligence in automatically detecting and communicating allergens to consumers lowers injury, increases consumer trust, and builds lasting confidence with your customers.
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Industries We Serve

LiberEat’s technology is versatile enough to serve all food industry sectors, from bustling restaurant brands to meticulous food manufacturers and airlines food service.

We work with you to tackle the allergen challenges and we are committed to safeguarding your customers against allergen risks.

Supermarkets & Retailers

Learn about how we help >

Contract Catering

Learn about how we help >

Airline and Travel Food Safety

Learn about how we help >

What people say about LiberEat


As proud Anaphylaxis UK Business Members, LiberEat supports the mission for a brighter future for people with serious allergies. We provide food businesses with advanced allergen error detection technology, ensuring the highest standards of safety by automatically identifying and alerting food safety teams to errors before they reach consumers. It’s our mission to make food safer for everyone.

anaphylaxis UK business forum member